Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Statement by Tehran Bus Workers’ Union
Statement by Tehran Bus Workers’ Unionin regards to the arrest of its leader as well as the members of the Board of Directors[1]
In response to a call by The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to mark August 9, 2007 as a day of support and solidarity with Mansour Osanlou and Mohammad Salehi, members of some 30 countries Workers Union rose to the occasion in various fashions.
In support of this call as well as to show its support to the families of the detainees, Tehran Bus Workers’ Union invited its members to gather at the residence of Mansour Osanlou. But unfortunately from the early mornings of the 9th of August, official as well as Plainclothes personnel of the security forces cordoned off the streets to block entrance to his house. Following this action, they arrested Ebrahim Madadi, seyed Davoud Razavi, Yaghoub Salimi, Ebrahim Norouzi Gohari, Homayoun Jaberi, Taher Sadeghi and Mrs. Fatemeh Hajilou and took them to the section 209 of the Evin Prison.
Tehran Bus Workers’ Union condemns this unlawful act and demands for the immediate release of the detainees.
Long live the solidarity of workers for a just life.
Tehran Bus Workers’ Union
August 13, 2007
[1] Translated by International Relations Committee of the United Republicans of Iran. Visit us at www.iranrepublic.org